Command Settings

Fine-grained control over all of YAGPDB’s inbuilt commands.


Command overrides allow you to restrict access to YAGPDB’s inbuilt commands and optionally configure intervals after which the command trigger and response will be autodeleted. The key features of the page are as follows:

Overview of the Command Settings page.

1 Command prefix, default - 2 All commands enabled setting 3 Required roles 4 Ignored roles 5 Autodelete trigger interval 6 Autodelete response interval 7 Command overrides 8 Channel overrides tabs

The prefix (1) is a short sequence of characters that trigger YAGPDB commands. By default, the prefix is -. Thus, for instance, the remindme command is invoked by prefixing the command name with a hyphen: -remindme .... If the prefix was instead ?, one would use ?remindme ..., and so on.

Slash commands are always triggered using the / character and hence do not depend on the prefix configured here.


In addition to the command prefix, you can trigger YAGPDB commands by pinging the bot at the start of your message. This is helpful if you forget your prefix, as sending prefix will recall it.

Flags and Switches

Flags and switches are not affected by your prefix setting.

For example, if your prefix is ?, a command usage with flags and/or switches is as follows:

?wouldyourather -raw

where the raw switch is still spelled -raw, not ?raw.

Command Override Priority

Command overrides are considered in the following order, with settings applied at later steps overwriting earlier ones:

  1. If the All commands enabled setting is not checked, all commands are initially disabled (otherwise enabled.)
  2. General restrictions configured in Global Settings are then applied, base restrictions before command-specific restrictions.
  3. Channel-specific restrictions (Override #1, Override #2, …) are applied analogously.

The order above trickles down from least specific to most specific, prioritizing the most specific setting – an analogy for developers would be CSS’s cascading rules.


Though perhaps confusing at first, the priority order above is designed to make common configurations trivial. For instance, to disable all but a specific command – say the remindme command – one can simply disable the All commands enabled option and then create a command override that enables only remindme. This is possible as command overrides are applied after the All commands enabled setting.


Common Options

These options are common across all three sub-settings: global settings, channel overrides, and individual command overrides.

Required and Ignored Roles

Clicking on either of these options (3,4) opens a drop-down menu with all the roles present on your server. Select as many as you wish. YAGPDB will then either require all members to have any of these roles in order to run commands, or completely ignore members with any of the ignored roles, server admins and owners included.


YAGPDB was raised well and honors a “no” when told “no”. In other words, ignored roles take precedence over required roles.

This is a relatively common trip-hazard, so take great care when you set up both required and ignored roles.

Autodelete Trigger / Response Interval

This setting makes YAGPDB automatically delete the triggering message and/or its response after the configured duration has passed. To activate it, make sure to click the checkbox next to the respective input field (5,6).

If 10 seconds are not enough, or too long, feel free to adjust as you see fit; the intervals need not be equal.

Channel Override Options

These options are only available for channel overrides (8). To add a new one, head to the New channel override tab on the command settings page.


You must select at least one channel or category; otherwise, the settings of the override will not be applied.


With this setting, you can select individual channels to apply the override to. Select as many as you wish.

You find this setting in the top-left corner of any channel override.


This setting will apply the override to all channels (including future ones) in the selected category.

You find this setting in the top-right corner of any channel override, adjacent to its channels setting.

Command Override Options

These options are only available for individual command overrides (7). To add a new one, go to either your global settings or any channel override and click on New command override.


This setting allows you to select specific commands to apply the command override to. Select as many as you wish to apply an override to. You cannot have two (or more) overrides for the same command in the same tab, i.e. global settings or a specific channel override.

Enable Specified Commands

Toggling this option simply tells YAGPDB whether the commands you selected are enabled or disabled. This allows you to disable some specific commands, which may be useful if – for example – you have created a custom command that completely replaces an inbuilt one.