Syntax and Data
Library of base data accessible within custom scripting.
“Go is all about type… Type is life.” // William Kennedy
All available data that can be used in YAGPDB’s templating “engine” which is slightly modified version of Go’s
stdlib text/template package; more in depth and info about actions, pipelines and global functions like printf, index, len,
etc > . This section is meant to be
a concise and to the point reference document for all available templates/functions. Functions are covered
in Function documentation. For detailed explanations and syntax guide refer to the learning
Legend: at current state this is still prone to formatting errors, but everything in a code block
should refer to
a function, parts of a template’s action-structure or output returned by YAGPDB; single word/literal-structure in
italics refers to type. Methods and fields (e.g. .Append, .User) are usually kept in standard formatting. If argument
for a function is optional, it’s enclosed in parenthesis ( )
. If there are many optional arguments possible, it’s
usually denoted by 3-dot ...
If functions or methods are denoted with an accent, tilde ~, they are not yet deployed in actual YAGPDB bot or have
been disabled in main bot, but are in master code branch.
Always put curly brackets around the data and “actions you perform” you want to formulate as a template like
This {{ ... }}
syntax of having two curly brackets aka braces around context is necessary to form a template’s control
structure also known as an action with methods and functions stated below.
Templating system uses standard ASCII quotation marks:
0x22 > "
for straight double quotes, 0x27 > '
for apostrophes and 0x60 `
for backticks/back quotes; so make
sure no “smart-quotes” are being used.
The difference between back quotes and double quotes in string literals is covered in the Go Language Specification.
The Dot and Variables
The dot (also known as cursor) {{ . }}
encompasses all active data available for use in the templating system, in
other words it always refers to current context.
For example .User is a Discord User object/structure of current context, meaning the triggering user. To get user object
for other users, functions getMember
, userArg
would help. Same meaning of object/struct applies to other Fields
with dot prefix. If it is mentioned as a Method (for example, .Append for type cslice) or as a field on a struct
(for example, .User.Bot) then it can not be used alone in template context and always belongs on a parent value. That
is, {{.Bot}}
would return <no value>
whereas {{.User.Bot}}
returns bool true/false. Another good example is
.Reaction.Emoji.MessageFormat, here you can use .MessageFormat every time you get emoji structure of type
discordgo.Emoji, either using reaction triggers or for example .Guild.Emojis.
From official docs > “Execution of the template walks the structure and sets the cursor, represented by a period .
called “dot”, to the value at the current location in the structure as execution proceeds.” All following
fields/methods/objects like User/Guild/Member/Channel etc are all part of that dot-structure and there are some more in
tables below.
For commenting something inside a template, use this syntax: {{/* this is a comment */}}
. May contain newlines.
Comments do not nest and they start and end at the delimiters.
To trim spaces use hyphens after/before curly brackets, for example >{{- /* this is a multi-line
comment with whitespace trimmed from preceding and following text */ -}}
Using{{- ... -}}
is also handy insiderange
actions, because whitespaces and newlines are rendered there as output.$
has a special significance in templates, it is set to the starting value of a
dot. This means you have access to the global context from
anywhere - e.g., inside range
actions. $
for global context would cease to work if you redefine it inside
template, to recover it {{ $ := . }}
also denotes the beginning of a variable, which maybe be initialized inside a template action. So data passed around
template pipeline can be initialized using syntax > $variable := value
. Previously declared variable can also be
assigned with new data > $variable = value
, it has to have a white-space before it or control panel will error out.
Variable scope extends to the end
action of the control structure (if
, with
, range
, etc.
) in which it is
declared, or to the end of custom command if there are no control structures - call it global scope.
A powerful component of templates is the ability to stack actions - like function calls, together - chaining one after
another. This is done by using pipes |
. Borrowed from Unix pipes, the concept is simple: each pipeline’s output
becomes the input of the following pipe. One limitation of the pipes is that they can only work with a single value and
that value becomes the last parameter of the next pipeline.
Example: {{randInt 41| add 2}}
would pipelinerandInt
function’s return to addition add
as second parameter
and it would be added to 2; this more simplified would be like {{40| add 2}}
with return 42. If written normally, it
would be {{ add 2 (randInt 41) }}
. Same pipeline but using a variable is also useful one -{{$x:=40| add 2}}
not return anything as printout, 40 still goes through pipeline to addition and 42 is stored to variable $x
{{($x:=40)| add 2}}
would return 42 and store 40 to $x
Pipes are useful in select cases to shorten code and in some cases improve readability, but they should not be overused. In most cases, pipes are unnecessary and cause a dip in readability that helps nobody.
Context Data
Context data refers to information accessible via the dot, {{ . }}
. The accessible data ranges from useful constants
to information regarding the environment in which the custom command was executed, such as the user that ran it, the
channel it was ran in, and so on.
Fields documented as accessible on specific structures, like the context user .User
, are usable on all values that
share the same type. That is, given a user $user
, $user.ID
is a valid construction that yields the ID of the user.
Similarly, provided a channel $channel
, $channel.Name
gives the name of the channel.
Field | Description |
.BotUser | Returns bot’s user object. |
.CCID | The ID of currently executing custom command in type of int64. |
.CCRunCount | Shows run count of triggered custom command, although this is not going to be 100% accurate as it’s cached up to 30 minutes. |
.CCTrigger | If trigger type has a printable trigger, prints out its name. For example, if trigger type is regex and trigger is set to \A , it would print \A . |
.CustomID | If triggered by a component or a modal, prints its full Custom ID. |
.DomainRegex | Returns string value of in-built domain-matching regular expression. |
.IsMessageEdit | Returns boolean true/false if message is edited and edit trigger for custom commands is enabled. Defaults to false. |
.IsPremium | Returns boolean true/false whether guild is premium of YAGPDB or not. |
.LinkRegex | Returns string value of in-built link-matching regular expression. |
.Permissions | Returns all mapped-out permission bits available for Discord in their bitshifted decimal values; e.g. {{.Permissions.AddReactions}} would return 64 , same as {{bitwiseLeftShift 1 6}} . More in Discord’s Permissions documentation. |
.ServerPrefix | Returns server’s command-prefix. |
Field | Description |
.Channel.AppliedTags | All tags applied to a forum channel post as []int64 slice of tag IDs. |
.Channel.AvailableTags | All tags available for forum channel posts as a slice of []discordgo.ForumTag. |
.Channel.Bitrate | Bitrate used; only set on voice channels. |
.Channel.GuildID | Guild ID of the channel. |
.Channel.ID | The ID of the channel. |
.Channel.IsForum | Whether the channel is a forum channel. |
.Channel.IsPrivate | Whether the channel is created for DM. |
.Channel.IsThread | Whether the channel is a thread. |
.Channel.Mention | Mentions the channel object. |
.Channel.Name | The name of the channel. |
.Channel.NSFW | Outputs whether this channel is NSFW or not. |
.Channel.OwnerID | The ID of the creator of threads as int64. Returns 0 for normal channels. |
.Channel.ParentID | The ID of the channel’s parent (category), returns 0 if none. |
.Channel.PermissionOverwrites | A slice of Discord permission overwrite structures applicable to the channel. |
.Channel.Position | Channel position from top-down. |
.Channel.Topic | The topic of the channel. |
.Channel.Type | The type of the channel. Explained further in Discord’s channel documentation |
Channel object in Discord documentation.
Channel functions documentation.
Guild / Server
Field | Description |
.Guild.AfkChannelID | Outputs the AFK channel ID. |
.Guild.AfkTimeout | Outputs the time when a user gets moved into the AFK channel while not being active. |
.Guild.Banner | Returns guild banner hash if available. |
.Guild.Channels | Outputs a slice of channels in the guild with type []dstate.ChannelState. |
.Guild.DefaultMessageNotifications | Outputs the default message notification setting for the guild. |
.Guild.Emojis | Outputs a list of emojis in the guild with type discordgo.Emoji. |
.Guild.ExplicitContentFilter | Outputs the explicit content filter level for the guild. |
.Guild.Features | The list of enabled guild features of type []string. |
.Guild.Icon | Outputs the icon hash ID of the guild’s icon. Setting full icon URL is explained in Discord reference documentation. |
.Guild.ID | Outputs the ID of the guild. |
.Guild.MemberCount | Outputs the number of users on a guild. |
.Guild.MfaLevel | The required MFA level for the guild. If enabled, members with moderation powers will be required to have 2-factor authentication enabled in order to exercise moderation powers. |
.Guild.Name | Outputs the name of the guild. |
.Guild.OwnerID | Outputs the ID of the owner. |
.Guild.PreferredLocale | The preferred locale of a guild with the “PUBLIC” feature; used in server discovery and notices from Discord; defaults to “en-US” |
.Guild.Roles | Outputs all roles and indexing them gives more information about the role. For example {{len .Guild.Roles}} gives you how many roles are there in that guild. Role struct has following fields. |
.Guild.Splash | Outputs the splash hash ID of the guild’s splash. |
.Guild.SystemChannelID | The ID of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted. |
.Guild.Threads | Returns all active threads in the guild as a slice of type []dstate.ChannelState. |
.Guild.VerificationLevel | Outputs the required verification level for the guild. |
.Guild.VoiceStates | Outputs a slice of voice states (users connected to VCs) with type []discordgo.VoiceState. |
.Guild.WidgetChannelID | Outputs the channel ID for the server widget. |
.Guild.WidgetEnabled | Outputs whether or not the server widget is enabled. |
Method | Description |
.Guild.BannerURL “256” | Gives the URL for guild’s banner, argument “256” is the size of the picture and increases/decreases twofold (e.g. 512, 1024 or 128, 64 etc.). |
.Guild.GetChannel id | Gets the channel with the ID provided, returning a *dstate.ChannelState. |
.Guild.GetEmoji id | Gets the guild emoji with the ID provided, returning a *discordgo.Emoji. |
.Guild.GetMemberPermissions channelID memberID memberRoles | Calculates full permissions that the member has in the channel provided, taking into account the roles of the member. Example: {{.Guild.GetMemberPermissions .Channel.ID .Member.User.ID .Member.Roles}} would retrieve the permissions integer the triggering member has in the context/triggering channel. |
.Guild.GetRole id | Gets the role object with the integer ID provided, returning a struct of type *discordgo.Role. |
.Guild.GetVoiceState userID | Gets the voice state of the user ID provided, returning a *discordgo.VoiceState. Example code to show if user is in VC or not: {{if .Guild.GetVoiceState .User.ID}} user is in voice channel {{else}} user is not in voice channel {{end}} |
.Guild.IconURL “size” | Outputs the URL of guild’s avatar/icon. Size argument is the size of the picture and can increase/decrease twofold (e.g. 512, 1024 or 128, 64 etc.). |
Guild object in Discord documentation.
Use of interactions within YAGPDB is an advanced topic; the documentation should be used only as reference. To learn about using interactions, please view our interactions cookbook.
This is available and part of the dot when a component or modal trigger is used.
Field | Description |
.Interaction.ChannelID | The ID of the channel the interaction was made in. |
.InteractionData | Is either a discordgo.MessageComponentInteractionData (if triggered by a button/select menu) or a discordgo.ModalSubmitInteractionData (if triggered by a modal submission) object. |
.Interaction.ID | The interaction’s ID. Is unique to each interaction, each button push/modal submission is a uniquely generated ID. |
.Interaction.Locale | The locale of the user’s Discord client. |
.Interaction.Member | The member who interacted. |
.Interaction.Message | The message object the interaction was taken on. |
.Interaction.RespondedTo | Boolean, true if this interaction has been responded to already. |
.Interaction.Token | The interaction’s token. Is unique to each interaction. Required for sending followup interactions. |
Field | Description |
.Args | List of everything that is passed to .CustomID. .Args is a slice of type string. |
.Cmd | .Cmd is of type string and shows all arguments that trigger custom command, part of .Args. Starting from {{index .Args 0}} . |
.CmdArgs | List of all the arguments passed after .Cmd (.Cmd is the actual trigger) .CmdArgs is a slice of type string. For example {{$allArgs := (joinStr " " .CmdArgs)}} saves all the arguments after trigger to a variable $allArgs . |
.CustomID | The triggering component/modal’s Custom ID. Note: This custom ID excludes the templates- prefix which is added to all components and modals under the hood. |
.IsButton | Boolean, is true if the command was triggered by a button. |
.IsMenu | Boolean, is true if the command was triggered by a select menu. |
.MenuType | Type of select menu which triggered the command. Can be "string" , "user" , "role" , "mentionable" , or "channel" . |
.StrippedID | “Strips” or cuts off the triggering part of the custom ID and prints out everything else after that. Bear in mind, when using regex as trigger, for example "day" and input custom ID is "have-a-nice-day-my-dear-YAG" output will be "-my-dear-YAG" - rest is cut off. |
.Values | List of all options selected with a select menu, OR all values input into a modal in order. |
Interaction object in Discord documentation.
Interaction functions are covered here.
Field | Description |
.Member.Avatar | Member’s avatar hash, if it is custom per server, then custom avatar hash. |
.Member.CommunicationDisabledUntil | Returns time.Time when member’s time out expires. Time is in the past or nil if the user is not timed out.NB. was previously called TimeoutExpiresAt. |
.Member.Flags | Guild member flags represented as a bit set, defaulting to 0. |
.Member.GuildID | The guild ID on which the member exists. |
.Member.JoinedAt | When member joined the guild/server of type discordgo.Timestamp. Method .Parse will convert this to of type time.Time. |
.Member.Nick | The nickname for this member. |
.Member.Pending | Returns bool true/false, whether member is pending behind Discord’s screening process. |
.Member.PremiumSince | When the user started boosting the guild. |
.Member.Roles | A slice of role IDs that the member has. |
.Member.User | Underlying user object on which the member is based on. |
Method | Description |
.Member.AvatarURL “256” | Gives the URL for member’s avatar, argument “256” is the size of the picture and increases/decreases twofold (e.g. 512, 1024 or 128, 64 etc.). |
Member object in Discord documentation.
Member functions documentation.
Field | Description |
.Message.Activity | Represents the activity sent with a message, such as a game invite, of type *discordgo.MessageActivity. Sent with Rich Presence-related chat embeds. |
.Message.Attachments | Attachments of this message (slice of attachment objects). |
.Message.Author | Author of the message (User object). |
.Message.ChannelID | Channel ID this message is in. |
.Message.Components | Slice of discordgo.ActionsRows, which each contain components. Example on indexing the first button or menu under a message: ( index ( index .Message.Components 0 ).Components 0 ) |
.Message.Content | Text content of this message. |
.Message.ContentWithMentionsReplaced | Replaces all <@ID> mentions with the username of the mention. |
.Message.EditedTimestamp | The time at which the last edit of the message occurred, if it has been edited. As with .Message.Timestamp, it is of type discordgo.Timestamp. |
.Message.Embeds | Embeds of this message (slice of embed objects). |
.Message.GuildID | Guild ID in which the message is. |
.Message.ID | ID of the message. |
.Message.Link | Discord link to the message. * |
.Message.Member | Member object. * |
.Message.MentionEveryone | Whether the message mentions everyone, returns bool true/false. |
.Message.MentionRoles | The roles mentioned in the message, returned as a slice of type discordgo.IDSlice. |
.Message.Mentions | Users this message mentions, returned as a slice of type []*discordgo.User. |
.Message.MessageReference | MessageReference contains reference data sent with crossposted or reply messages. Has fields MessageID, ChannelID and GuildID. |
.Message.Pinned | Whether this message is pinned, returns bool true/false. |
.Message.Reactions | Reactions on this message, returned as a slice of type []*discordgo.MessageReactions. Reaction Object in Discord documentation. |
.Message.Reference | Reference returns MessageReference of given message. |
.Message.ReferencedMessage | Message object associated by message_reference, like a message that was replied to. |
.Message.Timestamp | Timestamp of the message in type discordgo.Timestamp (use .Message.Timestamp.Parse to get type time.Time and .Parse.String method returns type string). |
.Message.TTS | Whether the message is text-to-speech. * |
.Message.Type | The type of the message. |
.Message.WebhookID | If the message is generated by a webhook, this is the webhook’s id |
Field | Description |
.Args | List of everything that is passed to .Message.Content. .Args is a slice of type string. |
.Cmd | .Cmd is of type string and shows all arguments that trigger custom command, part of .Args. Starting from {{index .Args 0}} . |
.CmdArgs | List of all the arguments passed after .Cmd (.Cmd is the actual trigger) .CmdArgs is a slice of type string. For example {{$allArgs := (joinStr " " .CmdArgs)}} saves all the arguments after trigger to a variable $allArgs . |
.StrippedMsg | “Strips” or cuts off the triggering part of the message and prints out everything else after that. Bear in mind, when using regex as trigger, for example "day" and input message is "Have a nice day my dear YAG!" output will be "my dear YAG!" - rest is cut off. |
* denotes field that will not have proper return when using getMessage
Message object in Discord documentation.
Message functions documentation.
This is available and part of the dot when reaction trigger type is used.
Field | Description |
.Reaction | Returns reaction object which has following fields UserID , MessageID ,Emoji.(ID/Name/...) , ChannelID , GuildID . The Emoji.ID is the ID of the emoji for custom emojis, and Emoji.Name will hold the Unicode emoji if its a default one. (otherwise the name of the custom emoji). |
.Reaction.Emoji.APIName | Returns type string, a correctly formatted API name for use in the MessageReactions endpoints. For custom emojis it is emojiname:ID . |
.Reaction.Emoji.MessageFormat | Returns a correctly formatted emoji for use in Message content and embeds. It’s equal to <:.Reaction.Emoji.APIName> and <a:.Reaction.Emoji.APIName> for animated emojis. |
.ReactionAdded | Returns a boolean type bool true/false indicating whether reaction was added or removed. |
.ReactionMessage | Returns the message object reaction was added to. Not all regular .Message fields are filled though e.g. .Member. {{range .ReactionMessage.Reactions}} {{.Count}} - {{.Emoji.Name}} {{end}} Returns emoji count and their name.Has an alias .Message and it works the same way. |
Reaction object in Discord documentation.
Emoji object in Discord documentation.
Field | Description |
.User | The user’s username together with discriminator. |
.User.Avatar | The user’s avatar hash. |
.User.Bot | Determines whether the target user is a bot - if yes, it will return true . |
.User.Discriminator | The user’s discriminator/tag (The four digits after a person’s username). |
.User.Globalname | User’s global username from the new naming system. |
.User.ID | The user’s ID. |
.User.Mention | Mentions user. |
.User.String | The user’s username, with legacy discriminator if available, as string type. |
.User.Username | The user’s username. |
.UsernameHasInvite | Only works with join and leave messages (not join dms). It will determine does the username contain an invite link. |
.RealUsername | Only works with join and leave messages (not join DMs). This can be used to send the real username to a staff channel when invites are censored. |
Method | Description |
.User.AvatarURL “256” | Gives the URL for user’s avatar, argument “256” is the size of the picture and can increase/decrease twofold (e.g. 512, 1024 or 128, 64 etc.). |
User object in Discord documentation.
Actions, or elements enclosed in double braces {{ }}
, are what makes templates dynamic. Without them, templates would
be no more than static text. In this section, we introduce several special kinds of actions which affect the control
flow of the program. For example, iteration actions like range
and while
permit statements to be executed multiple
times, while conditional actions like if
and with
allow for alteration of what statements are ran or are not ran.
If (conditional branching)
Branching using if
action’s pipeline and comparison operators - these operators don’t need to be inside if
statements always need to have an enclosing end
Learning resources covers conditional branching more in depth.\
, though often used with 2 arguments (eq x y
) can actually be used with more than 2. If there are more than 2
arguments, it checks whether the first argument is equal to any one of the following arguments. This behavior is unique
to eq
Comparison operators always require the same type: i.e comparing 1.23
and 1
would throw incompatible types for comparison
error as they are not the same type (one is float, the other int). To fix this, you should convert both to
the same type -> for example, toFloat 1
Case | Example |
if | {{if (condition)}} output {{end}} Initialization statement can also be inside if statement with conditional statement, limiting the initialized scope to that if statement.{{$x := 24}} {{if eq ($x := 42) 42}} Inside: {{$x}} {{end}} Outside: {{$x}} |
else if | {{if (condition)}} output1 {{else if (condition)}} output2 {{end}} You can have as many else if statements as many different conditionals you have. |
else | {{if (condition)}} output1 {{else}} output2 {{end}} |
Boolean Logic
Case | Example |
and | {{if and (cond1) (cond2) (cond3)}} output {{end}} |
not | {{if not (condition)}} output {{end}} |
or | {{if or (cond1) (cond2) (cond3)}} output {{end}} |
Comparison Operators
Case | Example |
Equal: eq | {{if eq .Channel.ID ########}} output {{end}} |
Not equal: ne | {{$x := 7}} {{$y := 8}} {{ne $x $y}} returns true |
Less than: lt | {{if lt (len .Args) 5}} output {{end}} |
Less than or equal: le | {{$x := 7}} {{$y := 8}} {{le $x $y}} returns true |
Greater than: gt | {{if gt (len .Args) 1}} output {{end}} |
Greater than or equal: ge | {{$x := 7}} {{$y := 8}} {{ge $x $y}} returns false |
iterates over element values in variety of data structures in pipeline - integers, slices/arrays, maps or
channels. The dot .
is set to successive elements of those data structures and output will follow execution. If the
value of pipeline has zero length, nothing is output or if an {{else}}
action is used, that section will be executed.
To skip execution of a single iteration and jump to the next iteration, the {{continue}}
action may be used. Likewise,
if one wishes to skip all remaining iterations, the {{break}}
action may be used. These both are usable also inside
Affected dot inside range
is important because methods mentioned above in this documentation:.Server.ID
etc are all already using the dot on the pipeline and if they are not carried over to the range
control structure directly, these fields do not exists and template will error out. Getting those values inside range
and also with
action would need $.User.ID
for example.range
on slices/arrays provides both the index and element for each entry; range
on map iterates over key/element
pairs. If a range
action initializes a variable, that variable is set to the successive elements of the iteration.
can also declare two variables, separated by a comma and set by index and element or key and element pair. In
case of only one variable, it is assigned the element.
Like if
, range
is concluded with{{end}}
action and declared variable scope inside range
extends to that point.\
{{/* range over an integer */}}
{{range 2}}{{.}}{{end}}
{{range $k, $v := toInt64 2}}{{$k}}{{$v}}{{end}}
**{{/* range over a slice */}}
**{{ range $index, $element := cslice "YAGPDB" "IS COOL!" }}
{{ $index }} : {{ $element }} {{ end }}
{{/* range on a map */}}
{{ range $key, $value := dict "SO" "SAY" "WE" "ALL!" }}
{{ $key }} : {{ $value }} {{ end }}
{{/* range with else and variable scope */}}
{{ range seq 1 1 }} no output {{ else }} output here {{ end }}
{{ $x := 42 }} {{ range $x := seq 2 4 }} {{ $x }} {{ end }} {{ $x }}
Custom command response was longer than 2k (contact an admin on the server…)
Failed executing template: response grew too big (>25k)
This is quite common error users will get whilst using range. Simple example to reproduce it:
{{ range seq 0 10000 }}
{{ $x := . }}
{{ end }}
This will happen because of whitespaces and newlines, so make sure you one-line the range or trim spaces, in this
context {{- $x := . -}}
Multiple template functions have the possibility of returning an error upon failure. For example, dbSet
can return a
short write error if the size of the database entry exceeds some threshold.
While it is possible to write code that simply ignores the possibility of such issues occurring (letting the error stop
the code completely), there are times at which one may wish to write more robust code that handles such errors
gracefully. The try
construct enables this possibility.
Similar to an if
action with an associated else
branch, the try
construct is composed of two blocks: the
branch and the catch
branch. First, the code in the try
branch is ran, and if an error is raised by a function
during execution, the catch
branch is executed instead with the context (.
) set to the offending error.
To check for a specific error, one can compare the result of the Error
method with a predetermined message. (For
context, all errors have a method Error
which is specified to return a message describing the reason that the error
was thrown.) For example, the following example has different behavior depending on whether “Reaction blocked” is in the
message of the error caught.
{{ try }}
{{ addReactions "👋" }}
added reactions successfully
{{ catch }}
{{ if in .Error "Reaction blocked" }}
user blocked YAG :(
{{ else }}
different issue occurred: {{ .Error }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
iterates as long as the specified condition is true, or more generally evaluates to a non-empty value. The dot
) is not affected, unlike with the range
action. Analogous to range
, while
introduces a new scope which is
concluded by the end
action. Within the body of a while
action, the break
and continue
actions can be used to
appropriate effect, like in a range
{{/* efficiently search for an element in a sorted slice using binary search */}}
{{ $xs := cslice 1 3 5 6 6 8 10 12 }}
{{ $needle := 8 }}
{{ $lo := 0 }}
{{ $hi := sub (len $xs) 1 }}
{{ $found := false }}
{{/* it's possible to combine multiple conditions using logical operators */}}
{{ while and (le $lo $hi) (not $found) }}
{{- $mid := div (add $lo $hi) 2 }}
{{- $elem := index $xs $mid }}
{{- if lt $elem $needle }}
{{- $lo = add $mid 1 }}
{{- else if eq $elem $needle }}
{{- print "found at index " $mid }}
{{- $found = true }}
{{- else }}
{{- $hi = sub $mid 1 }}
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
{{ if not $found }} not found {{ end }}
lets you assign and carry pipeline value with its type as a dot (.
) inside that control structure, it’s like a
shorthand. If the value of the pipeline is empty, dot is unaffected and when an else
or else if
action is used,
execution moves on to those branches instead, similar to the if
Affected dot inside with
is important because methods mentioned above in this documentation:.Server.ID
etc are all already using the dot on the pipeline and if they are not carried over to the with
control structure directly, these fields do not exists and template will error out. Getting those values inside with
and also range
action would need $.User.ID
for example.
Like if
and range
actions, with
is concluded using {{end}}
and variable scope extends to that point.
{{/* Shows the scope and how dot is affected by object's value in pipeline */}}
{{ $x := "42" }} {{ with and ($z:= seq 0 5) ($x := seq 0 10) }}
len $x: `{{ len $x }}`
{{/* "and" function uses $x as last value for dot */}}
same as len dot: `{{ len . }}`
but len $z is `{{ len $z }}` {{ end }}
Outer-scope $x len however: {{ len $x }}
{{/* when there's no value, dot is unaffected */}}
{{ with false }} dot is unaffected {{ else }} printing here {{ .CCID }} {{ end }}
{{/* using else-if chain is possible */}}
{{ with false }}
not executed
{{ else if eq $x "42" }}
x is 42, dot is unaffected {{ .User.Mention }}
{{ else if eq $x "43" }}
x is not 43, so this is not executed
{{ else }}
branch above already executed, so else branch is not
{{ end }}
Associated Templates
Templates (i.e., custom command programs) may also define additional helper templates that may be invoked from the main template. Technically speaking, these helper templates are referred to as associated templates. Associated templates can be used to create reusable procedures accepting parameters and outputting values, similar to functions in other programming languages.
To define an associated template, use the define
action. It has the following syntax:
{{ define "template_name" }}
{{/* associated template body */}}
{{ end }}
Warning: Template definitions must be at the top level of the custom command program; in other words, they cannot be nested in other actions (for example, an if action.) That is, the following custom command is invalid:
{{ if $cond }}
{{ define "hi" }} hi! {{ end }}
{{ end }}
The template name can be any string constant; however, it cannot be a variable, even if said variable references a value
of string type. As for the body of the associated template body, it can be anything that is a standalone, syntactically
valid template program. Note that the first criterion precludes using variables defined outside of the associated
template; that is, the following custom command is invalid, as the body of the associated template references a variable
) defined in an outer scope:
{{ $name := "YAG" }}
{{ define "hello" }}
Hello, {{ $name }}!
{{ end }}
If accessing the value of $name
is desired, then it needs to be passed as part of the context when executing the
associated template.
Within the body of an associated template, the variable $
and the context dot (.
) both initially refer to the data
passed as context during execution. Consequently, any data on the original context that needs to be accessed must be
explicitly provided as part of the context data. For example, if one wishes to access .User.Username
in an associated
template body, it is necessary to pass .User.Username
as part of the context data when executing said template.
To return a value from an associated template, use the return
action. Encountering a return
action will cause
execution of the associated template to end immediately and control to be returned to the caller. For example, below is
an associated template that always returns 1
{{ define "getOne" }} {{ return 1 }} {{ end }}
Note that it is not necessary for a value to be returned; {{ return }}
by itself is completely valid.
Note: Since all custom commands are themselves templates, using a return
action at the top level is perfectly
valid, and will result in execution of the custom command being stopped at the point the return
is encountered.
{{ if not .CmdArgs }}
no arguments passed
{{ return }} {{/* anything beyond this point is not executed */}}
{{ end }}
{{ $firstArg := index .CmdArgs 0 }}
{{/* safe since .CmdArgs is guaranteed to be non-empty here */}}
To execute a custom command, one of three methods may be used: template
, block
, or execTemplate
Template action
is a function-like action that executes the associated template with the name provided, ignoring its return
value. Note that the name of the template to execute must be a string constant; similar to define
actions, a variable
referencing a value of string type is invalid. Data to use as the context may optionally be provided following the name.
While template
is function-like, it is not an actual function, leading to certain quirks; notably, it must be used
alone, not part of another action (like a variable declaration), and the data argument need not be parenthesized. Due to
this, it is recommended that execTemplate
, which has much more intuitive behavior, be used instead of the template
action if at possible.
Below is an example of the template
action in action:
{{ define "sayHi" }}
{{- if . -}}
hi there, {{ . }}
{{- else }}
hi there!
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
{{ template "sayHi" }} {{/* hi there! */}}
{{ template "sayHi" "YAG" }} {{/* hi there, YAG */}}
Trim markers: {{- ... -}}
were used in above example because whitespace is considered as part of output for associated
template definitions (and actions in general).
Block action
has a structure similar to that of a define
action. It is equivalent to a define
action followed by a
{{ $name := "YAG" }}
{{ block "sayHi" $name }}
hi there, {{ . }}
{{ end }}
{{/* equivalent to above */}}
{{ define "sayHi" }}
hi there, {{ . }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "sayHi" $name }}
execTemplate function
is essentially the same as the template
action, but it provides access to the return value of the
template and may be used as part of another action. Below is an example using execTemplate
{{ define "factorial" }}
{{- $n := 1 }}
{{- range seq 2 (add . 1) }}
{{- $n = mult $n . }}
{{- end }}
{{- return $n -}}
{{ end }}
{{ $fac := execTemplate "factorial" 5 }}
2 * 5! = {{ mult $fac 2 }}
Custom Types
Go has built-in primitive data types (int, string, bool, float64, …) and built-in composite data types
(array, slice, map, …) which also are used in custom commands.
YAGPDB’s templating “engine” has currently two user-defined, custom data types - templates.Slice and
templates.SDict. There are other custom data types used like discordgo.Timestamp, but these are outside of the main
code of YAGPDB, so not explained here further. Type time.Time is covered in its own section.
Custom Types section discusses functions that initialize values carrying those templates.Slice (abridged to cslice),
templates.SDict (abridged to sdict) types and their methods. Both types handle type interface{} element. It’s
called an empty interface which allows a value to be of any type. So any argument of any type given is handled. (In
“custom commands”-wise mainly primitive data types, but slices as well.)
Reference type-like behavior: Slices and dictionaries in CCs exhibit reference-type like behavior, which may be
undesirable in certain situations. That is, if you have a variable $x
that holds a slice/dictionary, writing $y := $x
and then mutating $y
via Append
/etc. will modify $x
as well. For example:
{{ $x := sdict "k" "v" }}
{{ $y := $x }}
{{ $y.Set "k" "v2" }} {{/* modify $y */}}
{{ $x }}
{{/* k has value v2 on $x as well -
that is, modifying $y changed $x too. */}}
If this behavior is undesirable, copy the slice/dictionary via cslice.AppendSlice
or a range
+ Set
call .
{{ $x := sdict "k" "v" }}
{{ $y := sdict }}
{{ range $k, $v := $x }} {{- $y.Set $k $v -}} {{ end }}
{{ $y.Set "k" "v2" }}
{{ $x }} {{/* $x is unmodified - k still has value v */}}
Note that this performs a shallow copy, not a deep copy - if you want the latter you will need to perform the aforementioned operation recursively.
- This is a custom composite data type defined using an underlying data type []interface{} . It is
of kind slice (similar to array) having interface{} type as its value and can be initialized using cslice
function. Retrieving specific element inside templates.Slice is by indexing its position number.
Function | Description |
cslice value1 value2 ... | Function creates a slice of type templates.Slice that can be used elsewhere (as an argument for cembed and sdict for example).Example: cslice 1 "2" (dict "three" 3) 4.5 returns [1 2 map[three:3] 4.5] , having length of 4 and index positions from 0 to 3. Notice that thanks to type interface{} value, templates.Slice elements’ inherent type does not change. |
Method | Description |
.Append arg | Creates a new cslice having given argument appended fully by its type to current value. Has max size of 10 000 length. |
.AppendSlice arg | Creates a new cslice from argument of type slice appended/joined with current value. Has max size of 10 000 length. |
.Set int value | Changes/sets given int argument as index position of current cslice to new value. Note that .Set can only set indexes which already exist in the slice. |
.StringSlice strict-flag | Compares slice contents - are they of type string, based on the strict-flag which is bool and is by default false . Under these circumstances if the element is a string then those elements will be included as a part of the []string slice and rest simply ignored. Also time.Time elements - their default string notation will be included. If none are string an empty []string slice is returned.If strict-flag is set to true it will return []string only if all elements are pure string, else <no value> is returned.Example in this section’s Snippets. |
This section’s snippets
- To demonstrate .StringSlice
{{(cslice currentTime.Month 42 "YAGPDB").StringSlice}}
will return a slice[February YAGPDB]
. If the flag would have been set to true - {{…).StringSlice true}}, all elements in that slice were not strings and<no value>
is returned.
General example:
Creating a new cslice: {{ $x := (cslice "red" "red") }} **{{ $x }}**
Appending to current cslice data
and assigning newly created cslice to same variable:
{{ $x = $x.Append "green" }} **{{ $x }}**
Setting current cslice value in position 1:
{{ $x.Set 1 "blue" }} **{{ $x }}**
Indexing that position 1:
**{{ index $x 1 }}**
Appending a slice to current cslice data
but not assigning newly created cslice to same variable:
**{{ $x.AppendSlice (cslice "yellow" "magenta") }}**
Variable is still: **{{ $x }}**
Type of variable: **{{ printf "%T" $x }}**
- This is a custom composite data type defined on an underlying data type map[string]interface{}.
This is of kind map having string type as its key and interface{} type as that key’s value and can be initialized
using sdict
function. A map is key-value store. This means you store value and you access that value by a key. Map is
an unordered list and the number of parameters to form key-value pairs must be even, difference to regular map is that
is ordered by its key. Retrieving specific element inside templates.Sdict is by indexing its key.
Function | Description |
sdict "key1" value1 "key2" value2 ... | Like dict function, creating a templates.SDict type map, key must be of type string. Can be used for example in cembed . If only one argument is passed to sdict function having type map[string]interface{}; for example .ExecData and data retrieved from database can be of such type if sdict was used, it is converted to a new sdict.Example: sdict "one" 1 "two" 2 "three" (cslice 3 4) "five" 5.5 returns unordered map[five:5.5 one:1 three:[3 4] two:2] , having length of four and index positions are its keys. Notice that thanks to type interface{} value, templates.SDict elements’ inherent type does not change. |
Method | Description |
.Del “key” | Deletes given key from sdict. |
.Get “key” | Retrieves given key from sdict. |
.HasKey “key” | Returns bool true/false regarding whether the key is set or not e.g. {{(sdict "YAGPDB" "is cool").HasKey "YAGPDB"}} would return true . |
.Set “key” value | Changes/sets given key to a new value or creates new one, if no such key exists in sdict. |
Creating sdict: {{ $x := sdict "color1" "green" "color2" "red" }} **{{ $x }}**
Retrieving key "color2": **{{ $x.Get "color2" }}**
Changing "color2" to "yellow": {{ $x.Set "color2" "yellow" }} **{{ $x }}**
Adding "color3" as "blue": {{ $x.Set "color3" "blue" }} **{{ $x }}**
Deleting key "color1" {{ $x.Del "color1" }} and whole sdict: **{{ $x }}**
Tip: Previously, when saving cslices, sdicts, and dicts into database, they were serialized into their underlying
native types - slices and maps. This meant that if you wanted to get the custom type back, you needed to convert
manually, e.g. {{cslice.AppendSlice $dbSlice}}
or {{sdict $dbDict}}
. Recent changes to YAG have changed this: values
with custom types are now serialized properly, making manual conversion unnecessary.
You have access to a basic set of Database functions having return of type *customcommands.LightDBEntry called here
This is almost a key value store ordered by the key and value combined.
You can have max 50 * user_count (or 500 * user_count for premium) values in the database, if you go above this all new write functions will fail, this value is also cached so it won’t be detected immediately when you go above nor immediately when you’re under again.
Patterns are basic PostgreSQL patterns, not Regexp: An underscore (_)
matches any single character; a percent sign
matches any sequence of zero or more characters.
Keys can be max 256 bytes long and has to be strings or numbers. Values can be anything, but if their serialized
representation exceeds 100kB a short write
error gets raised.
You can just pass a userID
of 0 to make it global (or any other number, but 0 is safe).
There can be 10 database interactions per CC, out of which dbTop/BottomEntries, dbCount, dbGetPattern, and dbDelMultiple
may only be run twice. (50,10 for premium users).
Learning resources covers database more in-depth.
Database functions documentation.
Fields | Description |
.ID | ID of the entry of type int64. |
.GuildID | ID of the server of type int64. |
.UserID | Value of type int64 for userID argument or ID of the user if for example .User.ID was used for dbSet . |
.User | User object of type discordgo.User having only .ID field, .Mention is still usable with correct userID field entry. |
.CreatedAt | When this entry was created, of type time.Time. |
.UpdatedAt | When this entry was last updated, of type time.Time. |
.ExpiresAt | When entry will expire, of type time.Time. |
.Key | The key of the entry, of type string. |
.Value | The value of the entry. All numbers will get returned as float64 and other set values are of varying types. |
.ValueSize | Returns the entry’s value size in bytes. |
Ticket functions are limited to 1 call per custom command for both normal and premium guilds and limited to max 10 open tickets per user.
Function | Description |
createTicket author topic | Creates a new ticket with the author and topic provided. Author can be nil (to use the triggering member); user ID in form of a string or an integer; a user struct; or a member struct. The topic must be a string. Returns a template ticket struct on success. |
Template Ticket
Field | Description |
.AuthorID | Author ID of the ticket. |
.AuthorUsernameDiscrim | The Discord tag of the author of the ticket, formatted like username#discrim . |
.ChannelID | Channel ID of the ticket. |
.ClosedAt | Time that the ticket was closed, of type null.Time. This is, for the most part, useless in custom commands. |
.CreatedAt | Time that the ticket was created. |
.GuildID | Guild ID of the ticket. |
.LocalID | The ticket ID. |
.LogsID | Log ID of the ticket. |
.Title | Title of the ticket. |
Time and duration types use Go’s time package library and its methods > and also this although slightly different syntax all applies here >
Field | Description |
.DiscordEpoch | Gives you Discord Epoch time in time.Time. {{.DiscordEpoch.Unix}} would return in seconds > 1420070400. |
.UnixEpoch | Gives you Unix Epoch time in time.Time. |
.TimeHour | Variable of time.Duration type and returns 1 hour > 1h0m0s . |
.TimeMinute | Variable of time.Duration type and returns 1 minute > 1m0s . |
.TimeSecond | Variable of time.Duration type and returns 1 second > 1s . |