Using RegEx

A quick overview of golang flavored RegEx for your convenience.

Full RE2 syntax reference at >
Go RegExp doc at >
More about general concepts >

Basic Regex

Basics of Regular Expressions


You can match a word by putting it between two brackets.

As example, this will only match the word “Dinosaur”: (Dinosaur)

Don’t match

Using ?: after opening parenthesis of a capturing group creates a non-capturing group. Useful for example with template function reFindAllSubmatches.

This will not sub-match the words “red, blue, green”:
{{ reFindAllSubmatches `(?:color=)(red|blue|green)` "color=red beautiful" }}

To clarify more - it will not show dateid, because it’s a whole match:
{{ slice (index (reFindAllSubmatches `(?:dateid=)([0-9]{5})` "dateid=12345") 0) 1 }}

Match A or B

You may also want to catch multiple options, for that we use a “Vertical bar” or also known as a “Pipe” between linux users.

As example, this will match if either “Cat” or “Dog” is present: (Cat|Dog)

To match anything of any length, use .*.

Character classes


To match a word, you put it between two brackets.

Example: (Banana)


For matching characters there are multiple options:

Matching specific characters

For matching a specific character, you put them in square brackets.

This will match A, B and C: ([abc])

This will match every character from A-z: ([A-z])

This will match every number: ([0-9])

Special Characters

Sometimes you have to use special characters but it may cause conflicts. In this case, you will have to use an escape character.

For example, this is a star that doesn’t interfere with other matches \*.

Understanding Regex

If you still do not know what Regex are or want to know more. Check out the cheat sheet on the site below.

Great tools for writing and testing Regex