
The reputation system tracks each user’s reputation score, and allows users to add or remove reputation points from other users.


Overview of the Reputation System

Reputation is not enabled by default. To enable it, please go to the control panel and check Reputation enabled.

Enable giving rep when someone says “thanks @user”?

This is an alternative way of -giverep.

Name for reputation points

This will be displayed in the -rep command. By default, it is Rep.

Rep cooldown in seconds

This is the cooldown for the -giverep and -takerep commands. It does not affect the -setrep command. No one can bypass this cooldown, including admins.

Maximum amount of rep that can be given/taken away in one command

This affects the -giverep and -takrep commands which users can choose to specify the number of points to be given/taken away.

Admin role

Users with this role have access to the -setrep command and can freely change anyone’s points to any number.

Required role to give/remove points

Users with this role have access to the -giverep and -takerep commands which is affected by the Rep cool down in seconds and the Maximum amount of rep that can be given/taken away in one command. If set to none, everyone will be able to use these commands.

Required role to receive/being taken away points from

Users with this role participates in the point system which they can be given/taken away points from. If set to none, everyone will be participating.

Blacklisted role for giving/taking away points

Users with this role cannot use the -giverep and -takerep commands. This also overrides the Required role to give/remove points.

Blacklisted role for receiving/being taken away points from

Users with this role cannot participate in the point system which they can be given/taken away points from. This also overrides the Required role to receive/being taken away points from.

Reputation logs

Besides using the command -replog , you can also check the logs from the control panel. Specify a user ID to check the logs affecting the points of the user.

Reset all user’s reputation

This command is irreversible, and will reset everyone’s reputation point to 0.