
Functions are used to take action within template scripts. Some functions accept arguments, and some functions return values you can send in your response or use as arguments for other functions.

Functions are underappreciated. In general, not just in templates. // Rob Pike


Every function having both cases possible for an argument - ID/name, then this name is handled case insensitive, for example getRole "yagpdb" and getRole "yAgPdB" would have same responses even if server has both of these roles, so using IDs is better.



The ratelimit for editing a channel is 2 requests per 10 minutes per channel.

addThreadMember thread memberAdds a member to an existing thread. Does nothing if either thread or member arguments are invalid. Argument thread can be either ID, “name” or even nil for current thread, and member can either be ID or @ mention.
createForumPost channel name content (values)Creates a new forum post in forum channel. Argument name represents the title of the post, content can be a string, an embed or a complex message. The optional "values" argument consists of key-value pairs:"slowmode" value allows the user to specify the thread’s slowmode in seconds. "tags" value allows the user to specify one or more forum tags. Duplicate and invalid tags are ignored, and its value can be either a string or cslice for multiple tags. Returns *templates.CtxChannel upon success.

Example: {{createForumPost <forumChannelID> "Post Title" "content as a string" "slowmode" 60}}.
createThread channel messageID name (values)Creates a new thread in channel. messageID can point to a valid message (creates a message thread) or nil. name is the title of the thread. Optional values determine how thread is created and come in following order - private of type bool determines whether the thread is private; auto_archive_duration must be an integer between 60 and 10080 and it determines when the thread will stop showing in the channel list after given minutes of inactivity, can be set to: 60, 1440, 4320, 10080 ; invitable of type bool, whether non-moderators can add other non-moderators to a thread, it is only available on private threads. Returns *templates.CtxChannel upon success.
Example: {{createThread nil nil "YAGPDB is cool" true 60 true}} will create a thread named “YAGPDB is cool” under current channel without any message reference, thread is private, it will get archived in an hour and non-moderators can add others to thread.
deleteForumPost postDeletes existing post in the forum - post can be either its ID, post’s name or even nil if done inside that post. If supplied argument is not a valid active post then it is ignored. Is an alias of deleteThread function.
deleteThread threadDeletes existing thread - thread can be either its ID, thread’s name or even nil if done inside that thread. If supplied argument is not a valid active thread then it is ignored.
channel “newName”
Function edits channel’s name. channel can be either ID, “name” or even nil if triggered in that channel name change is intended to happen. "newName" has to be of type string. For example >{{editChannelName nil (print "YAG - " (randInt 1000))}}
editChannelTopic channel “newTopic”Function edits channel’s topic/description. channel can be either ID, “name” or nil if triggered in that channel where name change is intended to happen. "newTopic" has to be of type string. For example >{{editChannelTopic nil "YAG is cool"}}
getChannel channelFunction returns full channel object of given channel argument which can be either its ID, name or nil for triggering channel, and is of type *templates.CtxChannel. For example > {{(getChannel nil).Name}} returns the name of the channel command was triggered in.
getChannelOrThread channelReturns type *templates.CtxChannel corresponding to Channel object.
getChannelPins channelReturns a slice of all pinned message objects in targeted channel.
getPinCount channelReturns the count of pinned messages in given channel which can be either its ID, name or nil for triggering channel. Can be called 2 times for regular and 4 for premium servers.
getThread channelReturns type *templates.CtxChannel corresponding to Channel object.
removeThreadMember thread memberRemoves a member from an existing thread. Does nothing if either thread or user are invalid. Argument thread can be either ID, “name” or even nil for current thread, and member can either be ID or @ mention.


dbBottomEntries pattern amount nSkipReturns amount (max 100)top entries of keys determined by the pattern from the database, sorted by the numeric value in a ascending order, next by entry ID.
dbCount (userID|pattern|query)Returns the count of all database entries which are not expired. Optional arguments: if userID is given, counts entries for that userID; if pattern, only those keys are counted that match the given pattern; and if query is provided, it should be an sdict with the following keys:
  • userID - only counts entries with that userID, defaults to counting entries with any userID.
  • pattern - only counts dbEntry keys with names matching the pattern given, defaults to counting entries with any name.
dbDel userID keyDeletes the specified key for the specified value from the database.
dbDelByID userID IDDeletes database entry by its ID.
dbDelMultiple query amount skipDeletes amount (max 100) entries from the database matching the criteria provided. query should be an sdict with the following options:
  • userID - only deletes entries with the dbEntry field .UserID provided, defaults to deleting entries with any ID.
  • pattern - only deletes entry keys with a name matching the pattern given.
  • reverse - if true, starts deleting entries with the lowest values first; otherwise starts deleting entries with the highest values first. Default is false.
Returns the number of rows that got deleted or an error.
dbGet userID keyRetrieves a value from the database for the specified user, this returns DBEntry object. Does not fetch member data as user object for .User like dbGetPattern, dbBottom/TopEntries do.
dbGetPattern userID pattern amount nSkipRetrieves up toamount (max 100)entries from the database in ascending order.
dbGetPatternReverse userID pattern amount nSkipRetrievesamount (max 100)entries from the database in descending order.
dbIncr userID key incrByIncrements the value for specified key for the specified user, if there was no value then it will be set to incrBy. Also returns the entry’s current, increased value.
dbRank query userID keyReturns the rank of the entry specified by the user ID and key provided in the set of entries matching the criteria provided. query specifies the set of entries that should be considered, and should be a sdict with the following options:
  • userID - only includes entries with that user ID, defaults to including entries with any user ID
  • pattern - only includes database’s key entries with names matching the pattern given, defaults to counting entries with any name
  • reverse - if true, entries with lower value have higher rank; otherwise entries with higher value have higher rank. Default is false.
dbSet userID key valueSets the value for the specified key for the specific userID to the specified value. userID can be any number of type int64.

Values are stored either as of type float64 (for numbers, oct or hex) or as varying type in bytes (for slices, maps, strings etc) depending on input argument.
dbSetExpire userID key value ttlSame as dbSet but with an expiration ttl which is an int and represents seconds.
dbTopEntries pattern amount nSkipReturns amount (max 100)top entries of keys determined by the pattern from the database, sorted by the numeric value in a descending order, next by entry ID.

Patterns are basic PostgreSQL patterns, not Regexp: An underscore (_) matches any single character; a percent sign (%) matches any sequence of zero or more characters.


Note about saving numbers into database: As stated above, database stores numbers as type float64. If you save a large number into database like an int64 (which IDs are), the value will be truncated. To avoid this behavior, you can convert the number to type string before saving and later back to its original type when retrieving it. Example: {{$v := .User.ID}} {{dbSet 0 "userid" (str $v)}} {{$fromDB := toInt (dbGet 0 "user_id").Value}}

dict key values are also retrieved as int64, so to use them for indexing one has to e.g. index $x (toInt64 0)



execCC calls are limited to 1 / CC for non-premium users and 10 / CC for premium users.

cancelScheduledUniqueCC ccID keyCancels a previously scheduled custom command execution using scheduleUniqueCC.
execCC ccID channel delay dataFunction that executes another custom command specified by ccID. With delay 0 the max recursion depth is 2 (using .StackDepth shows the current depth). execCC is rate-limited strictly at max 10 delayed custom commands executed per channel per minute, if you go over that it will be simply thrown away. Argument channel can be nil, channel’s ID or name. Thedelay argument is execution delay of another CC is in seconds. The data argument is content that you pass to the other executed custom command. To retrieve that data you use .ExecData. This example is important > execCC example also next snippet which shows you same thing run using the same custom command > Snippets. execCC is also thoroughly covered in this GitHub gist.
scheduleUniqueCC ccID channel delay key dataSame as execCCexcept there can only be 1 scheduled cc execution per server per key (unique name for the scheduler), if key already exists then it is overwritten with the new data and delay (as above, in seconds).An example would be a mute command that schedules the unmute action sometime in the future. However, let’s say you use the unmute command again on the same user, you would want to override the last scheduled unmute to the new one. This can be used for that.

ExecCC section’s snippets

  • To demonstrate execCC and .ExecData using the same CC.
{{ $yag := "YAGPDB rules! " }}
{{ $ctr := 0 }} {{ $yourCCID := .CCID }}
{{ if .ExecData }}
    {{ $ctr = add .ExecData.number 1 }}
    {{ $yag = print $yag $ctr }} {{ .ExecData.YAGPDB }}
{{ else }}
    So, someone rules.
    {{ $ctr = add $ctr 1 }} {{ $yag = print $yag 1 }}
{{ end }}
{{ if lt $ctr 5 }}
    {{ execCC $yourCCID nil 3 (sdict "YAGPDB" $yag "number" $ctr) }}
{{ else }} FUN'S OVER! {{ end }}



Use of interactions within YAGPDB is an advanced topic; the documentation should be used only as reference. To learn about using interactions, see here.

Interaction Responses

  • Only one interaction response may be sent to each interaction.
  • If you do not send an interaction response, members will see “This application did not respond” on Discord.
  • You may only send an interaction response to the interaction which triggered the command.
  • Text output directly to the response is automatically sent as an interaction response if the interaction hasn’t already been responded to.
  • A CC executed with execCC by the triggered CC will be able to send initial responses to the triggering interaction.
  • A response is not the same thing as a followup.
sendModal modalResponds to an interaction by showing the member a modal. modal must be an sdict with the following keys: title, custom_id, and fields. The fields argument should be a slice of sdicts with the following keys: label, placeholder, value (default value if they don’t enter anything), required, style (1 for short, 2 for long), min_length, and max_length, however only the label argument is required for each field. You cannot send a modal in response to a user submitting another modal. Example in section’s Snippets.
updateMessage newMessageEdits the message on which the button, select menu, or modal was triggered on.
updateMessageNoEscape newMessageEdits the message triggered on and has same logic in escaping characters as sendMessageNoEscape.

Interaction Followups

  • Interaction followups may be sent up to 15 minutes after an interaction.
  • To send a followup, you must have the interaction token of the interaction you are following up.
  • You can send as many followups as you’d like.
  • Text output directly to the response is automatically sent as an interaction followup if the interaction has already been responded to.
  • A followup is not the same thing as a response.
editResponse interactionToken messageID newMessageContentEdits one of the bot’s responses to an interaction. interactionToken must be a valid token or nil to target the triggering interaction. messageID must be a valid message ID of a followup message, or nil to target the original interaction response. Example in section’s Snippets.
editResponseNoEscape interactionToken messageID newMessageContentEdits the response and has same logic in escaping characters as sendMessageNoEscape.

Interaction Response/Followup Hybrids

  • Hybrid functions will send an interaction response if the interaction has not already been responded to, otherwise they will send the equivalent followup function.
sendResponse interactionToken messageSends a message (string, embed, or complexMessage) in response to an interaction. Supports the ephemeral flag in complexMessage. interactionToken must be a valid token or nil to target the triggering interaction. Example in section’s Snippets.
sendResponseNoEscape interactionToken messageSends a message as a response, and doesn’t escape mentions (e.g. role mentions, reply mentions or @here/@everyone).
sendResponseNoEscapeRetID interactionToken messageSame as sendResponseNoEscape, but also returns messageID to assigned variable for later use.
sendResponseRetID interactionToken messageSame as sendResponse, but also returns messageID to assigned variable for later use. Example in section’s Snippets.

Interaction Miscellaneous

cbutton “list of button values”Functions similarly to cembed. Available values A Link style button must have a URL and cannot have a Custom ID. All other styles must have a Custom ID and cannot have a URL. All buttons must have either a label or an emoji. Example in section’s Snippets.
cmenu “list of select menu values”Functions similarly to cembed. Available values Type should be provided as a string, either "text", "user", "role", "mentionable", or "channel". Text type menus must have options, all other types cannot. Example in section’s Snippets.
ephemeralResponseSend the response text ephemerally. Only works when triggered by an interaction. Works on responses and followups.
getResponse interactionToken messageIDCan be used to get the bot’s responses or followup messages, including ephemeral messages. Returns a Message object. interactionToken must be a valid token or nil to target the triggering interaction. messageID must be a valid message ID of a followup message, or nil to target the original interaction response. Example in section’s Snippets.

Interactions section’s snippets

  • To demonstrate creating buttons and menus
{{ $funButton := cbutton
  "label" "My Custom Button"
  "custom_id" "duck-button"
  "style" "success" }}
{{ $badButton := cbutton
  "label" "My Useless Button"
  "style" "secondary"
  "disabled" true }}
{{ $emojiButton := cbutton
  "emoji" ( sdict "name" "🦆" )
  "style" "link"
  "url" "" }}
{{ $menu := cmenu
  "type" "text"
  "placeholder" "Choose a terrible thing"
  "custom_id" "duck-menus-my_first_menu"
  "options" (cslice
    (sdict "label" "Ducks" "value" "opt-1" "default" true)
    (sdict "label" "Duck" "value" "opt-2" "emoji" (sdict "name" "🦆"))
    (sdict "label" "Half a Duck" "value" "opt-3" "description" "Don't let the smaller amount fool you."))
  "max_values" 3 }}
{{ $message := complexMessage "buttons" (cslice $funButton $badButton $emojiButton) "menus" $menu }}
{{ sendMessage nil $message }}
  • To demonstrate responding with a modal (this must be triggered by a component or modal submission)
{{ $modal := sdict
  "title" "My Custom Modal"
  "custom_id" "modals-my_first_modal"
  "fields" (cslice
    (sdict "label" "Name" "placeholder" "Duck" "required" true)
    (sdict "label" "Do you like ducks?" "value" "Heck no")
    (sdict "label" "Duck hate essay" "min_length" 100)) }}
{{ sendModal $modal }}
  • To demonstrate sending, getting, and editing responses (this must be triggered by a component or modal submission)
{{ $interactionToken := .Interaction.Token }}
{{ sendResponse nil "Here's the first message!" }}
{{ $followupID := sendResponseRetID $interactionToken (complexMessage "content" "Here's a sneaky one!" "ephemeral" true) }}
{{ sleep 2 }}
{{ editResponse $interactionToken $followupID (print "I've edited this message to say " noun) }}
{{ $editedResponse := getResponse $interactionToken $followupID }}
{{ editResponse $interactionToken nil $editedResponse.Content }}
  • To demonstrate updating the triggering message (this must be triggered by a component or modal submission)
{{ $button := cbutton "label" "I won!" "custom_id" "i_won" }}
{{ $content := printf "Press this button when you win! The last person who won was %s! They wanted to say they are a %s %s." .User.Mention adjective noun }}

{{ $message := complexMessageEdit "content" $content "buttons" $button }}
{{ updateMessage $message }}



Boolean logic (and, not, or) and comparison operators (eq, gt, lt, etc.) are covered in conditional branching.

add x y z …Returns x + y + z + …, detects first number’s type - is it int or float and based on that adds. (use toFloat on the first argument to force floating point math.){{add 5 4 3 2 -1}} sums all these numbers and returns 13.
bitwiseAnd x yThe output of bitwise AND is 1 if the corresponding bits of two operands is 1. If either bit of an operand is 0, the result of corresponding bit is evaluated to 0. Example: {{bitwiseAnd 12 25}} returns 8, that in binary 00001100 AND 00011001 is 00001000.
bitwiseAndNot x yThis function is called bit clear because of AND NOT. For example in the expression z = x AND NOT y, each bit of z is 0 if the corresponding bit of y is 1; otherwise it equals to the corresponding bit of x. {{bitwiseAndNot 7 12}} returns 3, that is 0111 AND NOT 1100 is 11.
bitwiseNot xThe bitwise NOT operator inverts the bits of the argument. Example: {{bitwiseNot 7}} returns -8. that in binary 0111 to 1000
bitwiseOr x y z…The output of bitwise OR is 1 if at least one corresponding bit of two operands is 1. Example: {{bitwiseOr 12 25}} returns 29, that in binary 00001100 OR 00011001 is 00011101.
bitwiseXor x yThe result of bitwise XOR operator is 1 if the corresponding bits of two operands are opposite. Example: {{bitwiseXor 12 25}} returns 21, that in binary 00001100 OR 00011001 is 00010101.
bitwiseLeftShift x yLeft shift operator shifts all bits towards left by a certain number of specified bits. The bit positions that have been vacated by the left shift operator are filled with 0. Example: {{range seq 0 3}} {{bitwiseLeftShift 212 .}} {{end}} returns 212 424 848
bitwiseRightShift x yRight shift operator shifts all bits towards right by certain number of specified bits. Example: {{range seq 0 3}} {{bitwiseRightShift 212 .}} {{end}} returns 212 106 53.
cbrt xReturns the cube root of given argument in type float64 e.g. {{cbrt 64}} returns 4.
div x y z …Division, like add or mult, detects first number’s type first. {{div 11 3}} returns 3 whereas {{div 11.1 3}} returns 3.6999999999999997
fdiv x y z …Meant specifically for floating point numbers division.
log x (base)Log is a logarithm function using (log base of x). Arguments can be any type of numbers, as long as they follow logarithm logic. Return value is of type float64. If base argument is not given It is using natural logarithm (base e - The Euler’s constant) as default.{{ log "123" 2 }} will return 6.94251450533924.
mathConst “arg”Function returns all constants available in go’s math package as float64. "arg" has to be a case-insensitive string from math constants list. For example {{mathConst "sqrtphi"}} would return 1.272019649514069.
max x yReturns the larger of x or y as type float64.
min x yReturns the smaller of x or y as type float64.
mod x yMod returns the floating-point remainder of the division of x by y. For example, mod 17 3 returns 2 as type float64.

Note that like Go’s [math.Mod]( function, mod takes the sign of x, so mod -5 3 results in -2, not 1. To ensure a non-negative result, use mod twice, like such: mod (add (mod x y) y) y.
mult x y z …Multiplication, like add or div, detects first number’s type. {{mult 3.14 2}} returns 6.28
pow x yPow returns x**y, the base-x exponential of y which have to be both numbers. Type is returned as float64. {{ pow 2 3 }} returns 8.
randInt (stop, or start stop)Returns a random integer between 0 and stop, or start - stop if two args are provided.Result will be start <= random number < stop. Without arguments, range is 0..10. Example in section’s Snippets.
round xReturns the nearest integer, rounding half away from zero. Regular rounding > 10.4 is 10 and 10.5 is 11. All round functions return type float64, so use conversion functions to get integers. For more complex rounding, example in section’s Snippets.
roundCeil xReturns the least integer value greater than or equal to input or rounds up. {{roundCeil 1.1}} returns 2.
roundEven xReturns the nearest integer, rounding ties to even.
{{roundEven 10.5}} returns 10 {{roundEven 11.5}} returns 12.
roundFloor xReturns the greatest integer value less than or equal to input or rounds down. {{roundFloor 1.9}} returns 1.
sqrt xReturns the square root of a number as type float64.
{{sqrt 49}} returns 7, {{sqrt 12.34 |printf "%.4f"}} returns 3.5128
sub x y z …Returns x - y -z - … Works like add, just subtracts.

Math section’s snippets

  • {{$d := randInt 10}} Stores random int into variable $d (a random number from 0-9).
  • To demonstrate rounding float to 2 decimal places.
    {{div (round (mult 12.3456 100)) 100}} returns 12.35
    {{div (roundFloor (mult 12.3456 100)) 100}} returns 12.34


getTargetPermissionsIn memberID channelIDReturns target’s permissions in the given channel.
editNickname “newNick”Edits triggering user’s nickname, argument has to be of type string. YAGPDB’s highest role has to be above the highest role of the member and bot can’t edit owner’s nickname.
hasPermissions argReturns true/false on whether triggering user has the permission bit int64 that is also set in .Permissions*.*
getMember mention/userIDFunction returns Member object having above methods. {{(getMember .User.ID).JoinedAt}}
is the same as {{.Member.JoinedAt}}
onlineCountReturns the count of online users/members on current server.
targetHasPermissions memberID argReturns true/false on whether targeted member has the permission bit int64.

Permissions are covered on Discord permissions documentation. For example to get permission bit for “use application commands” {{bitwiseLeftShift 1 32}} would return int64 4294967296.


mentionEveryoneMentions @everyone.
mentionHereMentions @here.
mentionRoleID roleIDMentions the role found with the provided ID.
mentionRoleName “rolename”Mentions the first role found with the provided name (case-insensitive).

There is also .Mention method available for channel, role, user structs/objects.

Mentions section’s snippets

  • <@{{.User.ID}}> Outputs a mention to the user that called the command and is the same as {{.User.Mention}}
  • <@###########> Mentions the user that has the ID ###### (See How to get IDs to get ID).
  • <#&&&&&&&&&&&> Mentions the channel that has ID &&&&&& (See How to get IDs to get ID).
  • <@&##########> Mentions the role with ID ######## (listroles command gives roleIDs). This is usable for example with {{sendMessageNoEscape nil "Welcome to role <@&11111111...>"}}. Mentioning that role has to be enabled server- side in Discord.
  • </cmdName:cmdID> Mentions a slash command, and makes it clickable and interactive with proper arguments e.g. </howlongtobeat:842397645104087061>.


addMessageReactions channel messageID emojis…Same as addReactions or addResponseReactions, but can be used on any messages using its ID. channel can be either nil, channel’s ID or its name.Emojis can be presented as a cslice. Example in section’s Snippets.
addReactions “👍” “👎” …Adds each emoji as a reaction to the message that triggered the command (recognizes Unicode emojis and emojiName:emojiID). Emojis can be presented as a cslice.
addResponseReactions “👍” “👎” …Adds each emoji as a reaction to the response message (recognizes Unicode emojis and emojiName:emojiID). Emojis can be presented as a cslice.
complexMessage “allowed_mentions” arg “content” arg “embed” arg “file” arg “filename” arg “reply” arg “silent” argcomplexMessage creates a so-called bundle of different message fields for sendMessage... functions to send them out all together. Its arguments need to be preceded by predefined keys:
"allowed_mentions" sends out very specific mentions where arg is an sdict having keys: "parse" that takes a cslice with accepted values for a type to mention - “users”, “roles”, “everyone”; sdict keys"users", "roles" take a cslice of IDs either for users or roles and "replied_user" is a bool true/false for mentioning replied user."content" for regular text; "embed" for embed arguments created by cembed or sdict. With cslice you can use up to 10 embeds as arguments for "embed". "file" for printing out content as a file with default name attachment_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.txt (max size 100 000 characters ca 100kB). "filename" lets you define custom file name if "file" is used with max length of 64 characters, extension name remains txt. "reply"replies to a message, where argis messageID. If replied message is in another channel, sendMessagechannel must be also that channel. To “reply-ping”, use sendMessageNoEscape."silent" suppresses message’s push and desktop notifications, arg is bool true/false.Example in this section’s Snippets.
complexMessageEdit “allowed_mentions” arg “content” arg “embed” arg “silent” argSpecial case for editMessage function - either if complexMessage is involved or works even with regular message. Has parameters “allowed_mentions”,"content", "embed" and "silent" that edit the message and work the same way as for complexMessage. Example in this section’s Snippets.
deleteAllMessageReactions channel messageID (emojis…)Deletes all reactions pointed message has. channel can be ID, “name” or nil. emojis argument is optional and works like it’s described for the function deleteMessageReaction.
deleteMessage channel messageID (delay)Deletes message with given messageID from channel. Channel can be either nil, channel’s ID or its name. (delay) is optional and like following two delete functions, it defaults to 10 seconds, max being 1 day or 86400 seconds. Example in section’s Snippets.
deleteMessageReaction channel messageID userID emojis…Deletes reaction(s) from a message. channel can be ID, “name” or nil.
emojis argument can be up to 10 emojis, syntax is emojiName for Unicode/Discord’s default emojis and emojiName:emojiID for custom emotes.
Example: {{deleteMessageReaction nil (index .Args 1) .User.ID "👍" "👎"}} will delete current user’s reactions with thumbsUp/Down emotes from current running channel’s message which ID is given to command as first argument (index .Args 1).
Also usable with Reaction trigger.
deleteResponse (delay)Deletes the response after a certain time from optional delay argument (max 86400 seconds = 1 day). Defaults to 10 seconds.
deleteTrigger (delay)Deletes the trigger after a certain time from optional delay argument (max 86400 seconds = 1 day). Defaults to 10 seconds.
editMessage channel messageID newMessageContentEdits the message in channel, channel can be either nil, channel’s ID or “name”. Light example in section’s Snippets.
editMessageNoEscape channel messageID newMessageContentEdits the message in channel and has same logic in escaping characters as sendMessageNoEscape.
getMessage channel messageIDReturns a Message object. channel can be either its ID, name or nil for triggering channel.
pinMessage channel messageIDPins a message by its ID in given channel. channel can be either its ID, name or nil for triggering channel. Can be called 5 times.
publishMessage channel messageIDPublishes a message by its ID in given announcement channel. channel can be either its ID, name or nil for triggering channel. Can be called once. This function will not work for leave or join messages.
publishResponsePublishes the response when executed in an announcement channel. This function will not work for leave or join messages.
sendDM “message here”Sends the user a direct message, only one DM can be sent per custom command (accepts embed objects). YAG will only DM triggering user. This function will not work for leave messages.
sendMessage channel messageSends message (string or embed) in channel, channel can be either nil, the channel ID or the channel’s “name”.
sendMessageNoEscape channel messageSends message (string or embed) in channel, channel can be either nil, the channel ID or the channel “name”. Doesn’t escape mentions (e.g. role mentions, reply mentions or @here/@everyone).
sendMessageNoEscapeRetID channel messageSame as sendMessageNoEscape, but also returns messageID to assigned variable for later use.
sendMessageRetID channel messageSame as sendMessage, but also returns messageID to assigned variable for later use. Example in section’s Snippets.
unpinMessage channel messageIDUnpins the message by its ID in given channel. channel can be either its ID, name or nil for triggering channel. Can be called 5 times.

Message section’s snippets

  • Sends message to current channel nil and gets messageID to variable $x. Also adds reactions to this message. After 5 seconds, deletes that message. >

    {{$x := sendMessageRetID nil "Hello there!"}} {{addMessageReactions nil $x (cslice "👍" "👎") "❤️" }} {{deleteMessage nil $x 5}}

  • To demonstrate sleep and slightly also editMessage functions. >
    {{$x := sendMessageRetID nil "Hello"}} {{sleep 3}} {{editMessage nil $x "There"}} {{sleep 3}} {{sendMessage nil "We all know, that"}} {{sleep 3}} YAGPDB rules!

  • To demonstrate usage of complexMessage with sendMessage. {{sendMessage nil (complexMessage "reply" .Message.ID "content" "Who rules?" "embed" (cembed "description" "YAGPDB of course!" "color" 0x89aa00) "file" "Here we print something nice - you all are doing awesome!" "filename" currentTime.Weekday)}}

  • To demonstrate usage of complexMessageEdit with editMessage.
    {{$mID := sendMessageRetID nil (complexMessage "content" "You know what is..." "silent" true "embed" (cembed "title" "FUN!?" "color" 0xaa8900))}} {{sleep 3}} {{editMessage nil $mID (complexMessageEdit "embed" (cembed "title" "YAGPDB!" "color" 0x89aa00) "content" "Yes, it's always working with...")}}{{sleep 3}}{{editMessage nil $mID (complexMessageEdit "embed" nil "content" "Will delete this message in a sec, goodbye YAG!")}}{{deleteMessage nil $mID 3}}



if, range, try-catch, while, with actions are all covered on the actions template documentation.

adjectiveReturns a random adjective.
cembed “list of embed values”Function to generate embed inside custom command. In-depth custom embeds reference.
createTicket author topicCreates a new ticket with the author and topic provided. Ticket object documentation.
cslice, sdictPlease see custom type documentation.
dict key1 value1 key2 value2 …Creates an unordered collection of key-value pairs, a dictionary so to say. The number of parameters to form key-value pairs must be even. Dictionary example script. Keys and values can be of any type. Key is not restricted to string only as in case with sdict. dict also has helper methods .Del, .Get, .HasKey and .Set and they function the same way as sdict ones discussed in templates.Sdict documentation.
exec “command” “args” “args” “args” …Executes a YAGPDB command (e.g. roll, kick etc) in a custom command. Exec can be run max 5 times per CC. If real command returns an embed - exec will return raw data of type embed, so you can use embed fields for better formatting - e.g. {{$resp := exec "whois"}} {{$resp.Title}} Joined at > {{(index $resp.Fields 4).Value}} will return the title (username#discriminator) and “Joined at” field’s value from whois command.
NB! This will not work for commands with paginated embed returns, like un/nn commands!exec syntax is exec "command" arguments - this means you format it the same way as you would type the command regularly, just without the prefix, e.g. if you want to clear 2 messages and avoiding the pinned message > {{exec "clear 2 -nopin"}}, where "command" part is whole "clear 2 -nopin". If you change that number inside CC somewhere then you have to use arguments part of exec formatting > {{$x := 2}} {{exec "clear" $x "-nopin"}} Here "clear" is the "command" and it is followed by arguments, one variable $x and one string "-nopin". Last example is the same as {{exec (joinStr " " "clear" $x "-nopin")}}(also notice the space in joinStr separator).
execAdmin “command” “args” “args” “args” …Functions same way as exec but effectively runs the command as the bot user (YAGPDB). This has essentially the same effect as if a user with the same permissions and roles as YAGPDB ran the command: for example, if YAGPDB had ban members permission but the user which ran the command did not, {{exec "ban" 12345}} would error due to insufficient permissions but {{execAdmin "ban" 12345}} would succeed.
execTemplate “template” dataExecutes the associated template, optionally with data. A more detailed treatment of this function can be found in the Associated Templates section.
getWarnings userReturns a slice of warnings of type []*moderation.WarningModel given to user argument which can be its ID or user object.
hasPrefix string prefixhasPrefix tests whether the given string begins with prefix and returns bool. Example > {{hasPrefix "YAGPDB" "YAG"}} returns true.
hasSuffix string suffixhasSuffix tests whether the given string ends with suffix and returns bool. Example > {{hasSuffix "YAGPDB" "YAG"}} returns false.
humanizeThousands argThis function places comma to separate groups of thousands of a number. arg can be int or string, has to be a whole number, e.g. {{humanizeThousands "1234567890"}} will return 1,234,567,890.
in list valueReturns bool true/false whether case-sensitive value is in list/slice. {{ in (cslice "YAGPDB" "is cool") "yagpdb" }} returns false.
index arg …keysReturns the result by indexing its first argument with following arguments. Each indexed item must be a map, slice or array. Indexed string returns value in uint8. Example: {{index .Args 1}} returns first argument after trigger which is always at position 0. More than one positional keys can be used, in pseudo-code: index X 0 1 is equivalent to calling index (index X 0) 1
inFold list valueSame as in, but is case-insensitive. {{inFold (cslice "YAGPDB" "is cool") "yagpdb"}} returns true.
kindOf value (flag)This function helps to determine what kind of data type we are dealing with. flag part is a bool and if set as true (false is optional) returns the value where given value points to. Example: {{kindOf cembed false}} {{kindOf cembed true}} will return ptr and struct.
len argReturns the integer length of its argument. arg can be an array, slice, map, or string.{{ len (cslice 1 2 3) }} returns 3.
nounReturns a random noun.
parseArgs required_args error_message ...cargChecks the arguments for a specific type. Has methods .Get and .IsSet.
carg "type" "name" is required by parseArgs and it defines the type of argument for parseArgs. An example in Custom Command Examples.
sendTemplate channel templateName (data)Function sends a formulated template to another channel and returns sent response’s messageID.
Channel is like always either name, number or nil; and returns messageID. data is optional and is meant for additional data for the template. Example: {{define "logsTemplate"}}This text will output on different channel, you can also use functions like {{currentTime}}. {{.TemplateArgs}} would be additional data sent out. {{end}}Now we call that “logs” in the same custom command.{{sendTemplate "logs" "logsTemplate" "YAG rules!"}}.

Template definition documentation.
sendTemplateDM templateName (data)Works the same way as function above. Only channel’s name is not in the arguments. YAGPDB will only DM the triggering user. This function will not work for leave messages.
seq start stopCreates a new slice of type int, beginning from start number, increasing in sequence and ending at stop (not included). {{seq -4 2}} returns a slice [ -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 ]. Sequence’s max length is 10 000.
shuffle listReturns a shuffled, randomized version of a list/slice.
sleep secondsPauses execution of template’s action-structure inside custom command for max 60 seconds combined. Argument seconds is an integer (whole number). Example in snippets.
sort slice (…args)Sorts a slice of same type values with optional arguments. These arguments are presented in an sdict as keys: "reverse" true/false and "key" with dictionary/map’s key name as value. Example > {{sort (cslice (sdict "name" "bob") (sdict "name" "alice") (sdict "name" "yagpdb")) (sdict "key" "name" "reverse" true)}} would return [map[name:yagpdb] map[name:bob] map[name:alice]]. Sorting mixed types is not supported. Previous sorting options "subslices" and "emptyslices" have been removed.
Sort function is limited to 1/3 CC calls regular/premium.
verbReturns a random verb.

Role functions


In all role functions where userID is required as argument to target a user, it can also be full user object.

addRoleID roleIDAdds the role with the given ID to the user that triggered the command (use the listroles command for a list of roles).
addRoleName roleNameAdds the role with given name to the user that triggered the command (use the listroles command for a list of roles).
getRole roleReturns a role object of type *discordgo.Role. role can be either role’s ID or role’s name.
giveRoleID userID roleIDGives a role by ID to the target.
giveRoleName userID “roleName”Gives a role by name to the target.
hasRoleID roleIDReturns true if the triggering user has the role with the specified ID (use the listroles command for a list of roles).
hasRoleName “rolename”Returns true if the triggering user has the role with the specified name (case-insensitive).
removeRoleID roleID (delay)Removes the role with the given ID from the user that triggered the command (use the listroles command for a list of roles). Delay is optional argument in seconds.
removeRoleName roleName (delay)Removes the role with given name from the user that triggered the command (use the listroles command for a list of roles). Delay is optional argument in seconds.
roleAbove role1 role2roleAbove compares two role objects e.g. getRolereturn and givestrue/false value is role1 positioned higher than role2 or not.
setRoles userID rolesOverwrites the roles of the given user using the slice of roles provided, which should be a slice of role IDs. IDs can be ints or strings. Example: {{setRoles .User.ID cslice}} would clear the roles of the triggering user.
takeRoleID userID roleID (delay)Takes away a role by ID from the target. Delay is optional argument in seconds.
takeRoleName userID “roleName” (delay)Takes away a role by name from the target. Delay is optional argument in seconds.
targetHasRoleID userID roleIDReturns true if the given/targeted user has the role with the specified ID (use the listroles command for a list of roles). Example in section’s Snippets.
targetHasRoleName userID “roleName”Returns true if the given/targeted user has the role with the specified name (case-insensitive).

String manipulation


All regexp functions are limited to 10 different pattern calls per CC.

joinStr “separator” “str1” (arg1)(arg2) “str2” …Joins several strings into one, separated by the first argument"separator", example:{{joinStr "" "1" "2" "3"}} returns 123. Also if functions have string, []string or easily convertible return, they can be used inside joinStr e.g. {{joinStr "" "Let's calculate " (add (mult 13 3) 1 2) ", was returned at " (currentTime.Format "15:04") "."}}
lower “string”Converts the string to lowercase.
print, printf, printlnThese are GO template package’s predefined functions and are aliases for fmt.Sprint, fmt.Sprintf and fmt.Sprintln. Formatting is also discussed in Go formatting documentation. printf cheat sheet.

printf is usable for example to determine the type of the value > {{printf "%T" currentTime}} outputs currentTime functions output value type of time.Time. In many cases, printf is a great alternative to joinStr for concatenate strings.
reFind “regex” “string”Compares “string” to regex pattern and returns first match. {{reFind "AG" "YAGPDB is cool!"}}returns AG (regex pattern is case sensitive).
reFindAll “regex” “string” (count)Adds all regex matches from the “string” to a slice. Example in section’s Snippets. Optional count determines how many matches are made. Example: {{reFindAll "a*" "abaabaccadaaae" 4}} would return [a aa a ].
reFindAllSubmatches “regex” “string” (count)Returns whole-pattern matches and also the sub-matches within those matches as slices inside a slice. {{reFindAllSubmatches "(?i)y([a-z]+)g" "youngish YAGPDB"}} returns [[young oun] [YAG A]] (regex pattern here is case insensitive). Optional count works the same way as for reFindAll. So example above with count set to 1 would return [[young oun]].
reQuoteMeta “string”reQuoteMeta returns a string that escapes all regular expression metacharacters inside the argument text; the returned string is a regular expression matching the literal text. Example in package documentation.
reReplace “regex” “string1” “string2”Replaces “string1” contents with “string2” at regex match point. {{reReplace "I am" "I am cool!" "YAGPDB is"}} returns YAGPDB is cool! (regex pattern here is case sensitive).
Inside “string2” dollar-sign, $ with numeric name like $1 or ${1} are interpreted as referrals to the submatches in “regex” pattern, so for instance $1 represents the text of the first submatch. To insert a literal $ in the output, use $$.
reSplit “regex” “string” (count)reSplit slices string into substrings separated by the regex expression and returns a slice of the substrings between those expression matches. The optional count determines the number of substrings to return. If count is negative number the function returns all substrings, if 0 then none. If count is bigger than 0 it returns at most n substrings, the last substring being the unsplit remainder.Example: {{ $x := reSplit "a" "yagpdb has a lot of fame" 5}}``{{$x}} {{index $x 3}} would return [y gpdb h s lot of f me] and lot of f.
sanitizeText “string”Detects accented and confusable characters in input and turns these characters to normal, ISO-Latin ones. {{ sanitizeText "𝔭𝒶ỿ𝕡𝕒ℓ" }}would return paypal.
slice arg integer (integer2)Function’s first argument must be of type string or slice.Outputs the arg after cutting/slicing off integer (numeric) value of symbols (actually starting the string’s index from integer through integer2) - e.g. {{slice "Fox runs" 2}}outputs x runs. When using also integer2 - e.g. {{slice "Fox runs" 1 7}}, it outputs ox run. For slicing whole arguments, let’s say words, see example in section’s Snippets. This slice function is not the same as basic dynamically-sized slice data type discussed in this reference doc. Also it’s custom, not having 3-indices as the default one from text/template package.
split “string” “sepr”Splits given "string" to substrings separated by "sepr"arg and returns new slice of the substrings between given separator e.g. {{split "YAG, is cool!" ","}} returns [YAG is cool!] slice where YAG is at index position 0 and is cool! at index position 1. Example also in section’s Snippets.
title “string”Returns the string with the first letter of each word capitalized.
trimSpace “string”Returns the string with all leading and trailing white space removed.
upper “string”Converts the string to uppercase.
urlescape “string”Escapes the string so it can be safely placed inside a URL path segment - e.g. “Hello, YAGPDB!” becomes “Hello%2C%20YAGPDB%21”
There’s also predefined template package function urlquery which is covered in Go text/template documentation.


Special information we can include in the string is escape sequences. Escape sequences are two (or more) characters, the first of which is a backslash \, which gives the remaining characters special meaning - let’s call them metacharacters. The most common escape sequence you will encounter is \n, which means “newline”.


With regular expression patterns - when using quotes you have to “double-escape” metacharacters starting with backslash. You can use backquotes/ticks to simplify this:{{reFind "\\d+" (toString 42)}} versus {{reFind `\d+` (toString 42)}}

String manipulation section’s snippets

  • {{$args:= (joinStr " " (slice .CmdArgs 1))}} Saves all the arguments except the first one to a variable $args.
  • To demonstrate usage of split function. >
    {{$x := "Hello, World, YAGPDB, here!"}} {{range $k, $v := (split $x ", ")}}Word {{$k}}: __{{$v}}__ {{end}}
  • To demonstrate usage of reFindAll. >
    Before regex: {{$msg := "1 YAGPDB and over 100000 servers conquered."}} {{$re2 := reFindAll "[0-9]+" $msg}} {{$msg}}
    After regex matches: {{println "Only" (index $re2 0) "YAGPDB and already" (index $re2 1) "servers captured."}}


currentTimeGets the current time, value is of type time.Time which can be used in a custom embed.
formatTime Time (“layout arg”)Outputs given time in RFC822 formatting, first argument Time shows it needs to be of type time.Time, also with extra layout if second argument is given - e.g. {{formatTime currentUserCreated "3:04PM"}} would output 11:22AM if that would have been when user was created. Layout argument is covered in Go time documentation.
humanizeDurationHoursReturns given integer (whole number) or time.Duration argument in nanoseconds in human readable format - as how long it would take to get towards given time - e.g. {{humanizeDurationHours 9000000000000000000}} returns 285 years 20 weeks 6 days and 16 hours. More in Snippets.
humanizeDurationMinutesSame as humanizeDurationHours, this time duration is returned in minutes - e.g. {{humanizeDurationMinutes 3500000000000}} would return 58 minutes.
humanizeDurationSecondsSame as both humanize functions above, this time duration is returned in seconds - e.g. {{humanizeDurationSeconds 3500000000000}} would return 58 minutes and 20 seconds.
humanizeTimeSinceDaysReturns time passed since given argument of type time.Time in human readable format - e.g. {{humanizeTimeSinceDays currentUserCreated}}.
loadLocation “location”Returns value of type *time.Location which can be used further in other golang’s time functions, for example {{currentTime.In (loadLocation "Asia/Kathmandu")}} would return current time in Nepal.
location is of type string and has to be in ZONEINFO syntax.
newDate year month day hour minute second (timezone)Returns type time.Time object in UTC using given syntax (all required arguments need to be of type int), for example > {{humanizeDurationHours ((newDate 2059 1 2 12 34 56).Sub currentTime)}} will give you how much time till year 2059 January 2nd 12:34:56. More examples in Snippets. timezone is an optional argument of type string which uses golang’s LoadLocation function and ZONEINFO syntax. For example: {{newDate 2020 4 20 12 34 56 "Atlantic/Reykjavik"}} would return that time in GMT+0.
parseTime value layout (location)parseTime uses golang’s parseInLocation time function and returns value of type time.Time. Argument value is the time representation that needs to be parsed and has to be a string which matches and is formatted using layout argument. layout must be either a slice of strings or a single string and max number of layouts is 50. Layout reference.
location is optional, defaulting to UTC; of type string and has to be in ZONEINFO syntax.

For example: {{parseTime "July 18, 2016 at 12:38am" "January 2, 2006 at 3:04pm" "Asia/Kathmandu"}} would return that time in +0545.
snowflakeToTime snowflakeConverts given snowflake to type time.Time e.g. using bot’s ID {{snowflakeToTime .BotUser.ID}} returns 2016-07-17 15:17:19 +0000 UTCfor YAGPDB.
timestampToTime argConverts UNIX timestamp to time.Time. Example: {{timestampToTime 1420070400}} would return same time as .DiscordEpoch.
weekNumber timeReturns the week number as int of given argument time of type time.Time. {{weekNumber currentTime}} would return the week number of current time.


Discord Timestamp Styles referenced on Discord message documentation can be done using print function e.g.

{{print "<t:" currentTime.Unix ":F>"}} for “Long Date/Time” formatting.

Time section’s snippets

  • To demonstrate humanizeDurationHours and also how to parse a timestamp, output will be like whois command shows user’s join server age.
    {{humanizeDurationHours (currentTime.Sub .Member.JoinedAt.Parse)}}
  • To demonstrate newDate to get Epoch times.
    {{$unixEpoch := newDate 1970 1 1 0 0 0}} in seconds > {{$unixEpoch.Unix}}
    {{$discordEpoch := newDate 2015 1 1 0 0 0}} in seconds > {{$discordEpoch.Unix}}

Type conversion

json value (flag)Traverses given value through MarshalJSON (see Go json documentation) and returns it as type string. For example {{json .TimeHour}} outputs type string; before this .TimeHour was of type time.Duration. Basically it’s good to use if multistep type conversion is needed (toString (toInt value) ) and certain parts of cembed need this for example. flag part is a bool and if set as true (false is optional) returns the value indented through MarshalIndent.
jsonToSdict valueReturns templates.SDict from given JSON argument, e.g. {{jsonToSdict {“yagpdb”:“is cool”} }} would print map[yagpdb:is cool].
structToSdict structFunction converts exported field-value pairs of a struct to an sdict. For example it is useful for editing embeds, rather than having to reconstruct the embed field by field manually. Example: {{$x := cembed "title" "Something rules!" "color" 0x89aa00}} {{$x.Title}} {{$x = structToSdict $x}} {{- $x.Set "Title" "No, YAGPDB rules!!!" -}} {{$x.Title}} {{$x}} will return No, YAGPDB rules!!! and whole sdict-mapped cembed.
toByte “arg”Function converts input to a slice of bytes - meaning []uint8. {{toByte "YAG€"}} would output [89 65 71 226 130 172]. toString is capable of converting that slice back to string.
toDurationConverts the argument, number or string to type time.Duration - more duration related methods in Go time documentation. Number represents nanoseconds. String can be with time modifier (second, minute, hour, day etc) s, m, h, d, w, mo, y, without a modifier string will be converted to minutes. Usage: (toDuration x). Example in section’s Snippets.
toFloatConverts argument (int or string type of a number) to type float64. Usage: (toFloat x). Function will return 0, if type can’t be converted to float64.
toIntConverts something into an integer of type int. Usage: (toInt x). Function will return 0, if type can’t be converted to int.
toInt64Converts something into an int64. Usage: (toInt64 x). Function will return 0, if type can’t be converted to int64.
toRune “arg”Function converts input to a slice of runes - meaning []int32. {{toRune "YAG€"}} would output [89 65 71 8364]. These two functions - the one above, are good for further analysis of Unicode strings. toString is capable of converting that slice back to string.
toStringHas alias str. Converts some other types into a string. Usage: (toString x).

Type conversion section’s snippets

  • To demonstrate toDuration, outputs 12 hours from current time in UTC.
    {{(currentTime.Add (toDuration (mult 12 .TimeHour))).Format "15:04"}}is the same as{{(currentTime.Add (toDuration "12h")).Format "15:04"}} or{{(currentTime.Add (toDuration 43200000000000)).Format "15:04"}}


Tip: You can convert a Unicode code point back to its string equivalent using printf "%c". For example, printf "%c" 99 would result in the string c as 99 is the Unicode code point for c.printf is briefly covered later on in the next section, further documentation can be found in Go formatting documentation. Printf cheat sheet.


currentUserAgeHumanThe account age of the current user in more human readable format.
currentUserAgeMinutesThe account age of the current user in minutes.
currentUserCreatedReturns value of type time.Time and shows when the current user was created.
~pastNicknames userID offsetSame as pastUsernames.
~pastUsernames userID offsetReturns a slice of type [ ]*logs.CCNameChange having fields .Name and .Time of previous 15 usernames and skips offset number in that list.{{range pastUsernames .User.ID 0}}
{{.Name}} - {{.Time.Format "Jan _2 2006"}}
userArg mention/userIDFunction that can be used to retrieve .User object from a mention or userID.{{(userArg .User.ID).Mention}} mentions triggering user. Explained more in this section’s snippets. Previous limit of 5 to this function is no longer there.

User section’s snippets

{{(userArg .Guild.OwnerID).String}} this template’s action-structure returns Guild/Server owner’s username and discriminator as of type string. First, userArg function is given .Guild.OwnerID as argument (what it does, explained in templates section). The parentheses surrounding them make userArg function return .User as .User object which is handled further by .String method (ref..User.String), giving a result like > YAGPDB#8760.